Friday, September 7, 2018

The Mindset of a Victim

I have long believed that victim hood is something ingrained in a person's itellect.
Either you are a willing victim or you are not. This is a lesson that children NEED to learn to avoid being bullied. This lesson is now being taught to others by our current President, who has more testicular fortitude than the entire Democratic Party.

In America we celebrate heroism and bravery....after all we call ourselves the home of the brave. We historically have believed that being a victim is not a good thing, it is not a moral thing.

What brings up this post is the video mini-series on Netflix that I watched the other day regarding the November 15th Paris attacks.
The interviews with the survivors made one thing clear....the French have been bred to be victims. This is no joke, the survivors talked about their efforts to survive and every one of them, to the person, believed that they had only two options during the attacks....flee or accept death.

The concept of fighting back is so foreign to them that they would not even consider it. In the Bataclan theater there were some 1500 people and yet three goons with AK-47s were able to control them and kill them with little effort. Just 1% of the attendees could have rushed the shooters and ended the attack...imagine if the number were 10% (150 people)...
Some people might call me an arm chair quarterback, but the proof of the victim mindset is self evident. Not one of the people fought back, not one of the survivors considered or even mentioned fighting back.

This is unacceptable people, I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.....never be a victim!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Redefining History and Words

The left is very cunning when it comes to definitions and words they use to describe people and things.

I think I was first clued into this a few years back when the Commies at the top decided to change the name of their scam known as "Global Warming" to "Climate Change".

The reason was obvious, the Earth had not warmed (if you can even call the marginal and questionable rise in temp, that was barely outside of the margin of error "warming") since 1998, so they had to do something to keep the scam afloat. 

The rename to "Climate Change" makes it harder to attack, or so they think. Climate Change is a meaningless term, the climate is in a constant state of change, in fact you cannot define climate without describing the changes that occur on a seasonal, yearly or decennial basis. 

Back around the year 2000 they(the leftists media) also changed the colors used to describe Republican majority or Democrat majority. Originally the Democrats were red, which made sense because the Communists and the left in general have always been associated with the color red. The change can be traced to NBC and Tim Russert during the 2000 Presidential election. It is my belief that the left wanted to embrace this change to hide their true "red" identity.

Then they began to refer to anyone on the right as a racist. The term racist means that you treat people differently based on the color of their skin, not the content of their character. 

The government program known as "Affirmative Action", introduced and passed by Democrats fits this definition, in fact everything the Democrats do regarding the "black community" is racist (including referring to them as a "black community", as if they all think alike and cannot possible differ from one another). Let us not forget, the Democratic Party IS the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the KKK.

The left has also bastardized the definition of Rape. Calling anything, including simple speech as rape. This is a slap in the face, no a punch in the face to victims of actual rape and it needs to stop!

They call people homophobes who oppose the redefining of marriage.
The word phobia is derived from Greek and is means "an unreasonable fear of". Most of the people being called homophobes do not FEAR homosexuals, Most don't even have a problem with their lifestyle. 
In my opinion most of the people on the right are Libertarian in nature and simply do not want government to either define marriage nor force a church to marry someone.

Then the left misuse phobia again when they call those on the right Islamaphobes....
We'll, number one there is a very good reason to fear Islam and you don't have to go far for evidence to support the fear.

So I may fear Islam, but my fear is NOT unreasonable, in fact it is quite reasonable to fear a people who have sworn to kill me in the name of their prophet (and have killed hundreds of thousands in the name of their prophet).

Now they are calling our President a Fascist. Again they attempt to change the definition of a word that has been long defined as something else.

The word Fascist comes from the Latin word "fasces" which means bundle of sticks. These were usually wrapped around an axe handle.
The symbolism for the Romans and later the Italian fascists in WWII was that a bundle of individual sticks is stronger than a single stick. 

This idea of coming together to be stronger is one of the tenants of Socialism and it is not a far-right ideology. In fact Hillary Clinton used the tag line "Stronger Together" in her bid for the White House in 2016.

Some of the other tenants of Fascism is control of commerce and industry, another building block of the left. Fascists stifle their opposition by limiting or controlling speech...let's see who has been limiting speech on college campuses lately? Who could that be?? 
They also have universally, without exception, removed the right to keep and bear arms from those they ruled over...who does that remind you of? 
Fascists also force businesses to do things that are against their beliefs, like baking a cake for a wedding of a same sex couple.....very fascist indeed....

Another piece of evidence comes from the most famous of fascist political parties, the NAZI party. NAZI or NASDEP in German stood for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which translates as National Socialist Worker's Party. The name Socialist is right there in their name and still the left denies the connection. 
Also anytime you see the name "Workers" in a political party, you can bet your bottom dollar they sit to the left of the political spectrum. In fact if you look at the logos for the American Socialist Party it uses the tag line "Workers of the World Unite"...Tell me again who the Fascists are?

If you look at base ideals of the right and left, you will see that the right wants less restrictions on individual freedoms, less restrictions on business, less government control, lower taxes. As Reagan put it: ".... the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order".

Now if you take those tenants of maximum personal, religious and financial freedoms to the extreme you get Anarchy, basically no government. 
You do not get Fascism, which is totalitarianism, the EXACT opposite of Anarchy. 

Fascism, despite what the left will tell you is a leftist ideology, it belongs on the left side of the scale with Socialism, Communism and Marxism. They all believe in a strong central government and limited or no rights for the individual.

A more realistic spectrum of the political parties is shown below

Friday, February 27, 2015


You can tell a lot about a person's agenda by their words and actions.
When a person decides to support one initiative over another, we simply need to look at what they are trying to accomplish and what steps they are taking, then look at what they are NOT advocating to accomplish their goal.

Let's start with Anthropogenic Global Warming. I am not going to say that the Earth will not be getting warmer. There are numerous reasons the Earth is going to get warmer.

1. We are still coming out of an Ice Age that began millions of years ago (look up the definition of an Ice Age if you don't believe me). Any 3rd grader can tell you that when an Ice Age ends, it gets warmer and the ice melts.

2. The Earth is slowly getting closer to the sun. Every year the Earth's orbit comes a little bit closer to the's called gravity (you can look that one up too if you want).

3. The Earth has had warming and cooling cycles throughout its 4.5 billion year history, we have no reason to think these cycles have ended.

OK, so let's suspend the facts for a brief moment and assume that the Earth will be getting warmer because of man generated CO2 (please do not call it man made CO2, man did not invent CO2, every molecule of carbon & oxygen on this planet was here before man walked on two feet).

If CO2 were causing global warming (oh excuse me I mean
"climate change"....), why are the chicken littles on the left not asking for the government to plant more trees? Why are they not demanding big business to invent a machine that traps or converts CO2 back into Oxygen???

Instead they demand the 3rd world countries not use their resources to become industrialized. Instead they tell us not to drive our RVs or SUVs (while they fly private jets and ride solo in stretch limousines to accept awards for telling us what to do). Instead they try to market a new form of currency (carbon credits) which do nothing except redistribute wealth.

That my friends is EXACTLY what the Global Warming scam is all about..CONTROL! The leftists want to institute communism (for a variety of reasons I have covered before) and will attach themselves to any cause that will advance it. Global Warming, Climate Change, Hole in the Ozone Layer, Spotted Owl, whatever it is...they want to control business.

Next item: Voter ID laws....Now those on the left will tell you that by supporting Voter ID laws you are some how racist or that you don't care about the poor.
In reality, those that favor Voter ID laws only want a fair, legitimate election. So the left will fight Voter ID laws....while at the same time giving away free health care, free food, free money, hell they even give the poor and down trodden free CELL PHONES!...Why have they not advocated free Government IDs? Reasonable people know that you CANNOT engage in ANY business in this country without an ID.....hell some states even stop and ask for IDs to make sure you are not an escaped felon or illegal alien. You can't drive, you can't fly, you can't even buy a bus ticket without ID. You can't get a bank account, cash a check or apply for welfare without ID. Most importantly you cannot get a JOB! 
Of course we know the left want to increase the amount of people on the government dole....all apart of their communist agenda.

So how are these "poor" people surviving? The only people I would think that don't have an ID are those living on the street, the vast majority of those people are not in their right mind and probably shouldn't  be voting anyway (do you want want a crack addict, alcoholic or mentally deranged person choosing who will be President?) besides I doubt these people give two shits about who is in office, they just want their next hit or pint.

So the left doesn't advocate free IDs for the poor, which would be a minor cost. So what does that tell us about the their real agenda? It tells us that they would like to be able to fix elections, and one way to accomplish that is to prevent voters from having to identify who they really are.

Gun Control.....but its for the children! I have gone over this in multiple posts, but the lack of cries from the left for more prisons, more parole offices, ending parole and probation, more and better rehabilitation tells you one thing: The left is NOT concerned with crime and criminals, instead they are concerned about the rest of us being armed. Gun Control has less to do about guns and more to do about CONTROL. Like above, if they ever hope to institute communism in America, they will need to prevent those us of us who understand how communism works from stopping them.....
So to institute their will they will find ways to redistribute the wealth (global warming, taxes, welfare), take over the media (already done), take away the guns (they are working on it) and remove any obstacles to fixing the elections (Voter ID laws).

This is just a sampling of some leftist causes...I could go on all day.

So the next time a leftist opens their mouth about a subject they claim to care about....take a look at what they are not advocating will give you a clearer picture of their real agenda.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another Shooting

Well, another one happened, this time in Seattle and in a Gun Free Zone....can you believe it? The policy, the signs.....of course it did not stop the murderous intent of a human being.

Without a doubt we will be inundated by the left with calls for gun control.

One more time for any of you leftist hopolophobes.

Remember history class? Remember reading about the know Ghengis Khan and all that.....the raping and pillaging...the wanton killing.
Remember the Egyptians...enslaving the Jews? Remember the Romans....the wars, the conquering?

Remember Hannibal conquering Italy? Remember the Vandals and Visigoths?

Vlad the impaler? You know the guy Dracula was based on....

The Crusades?

How about the hundreds of wars in Europe, How about Napoleon, How about the French monarchs...."let them eat cake and all that"

Remember the Battle of Hastings? The Feudal System?
The Spanish Inquisition?

Remember the Native Americans who warred against each other, some of them taking slaves or scalping their enemies?

Remember Triangle Trade and Slavery?

Remember the way the Colonists were treated by King George?

World War I and the Mustard Gas? The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Soviet Union, Stalin, remember him? Remember the Great Purge??

What about Mao Tse Tung?

The Nazis and the Holocaust remember that?

How about the Killing Fields of Pol Pot in Cambodia? The Vietnam War? 

The Sandinistas in Nicaragua? Saddam Hussein and the Kurds? Rwanda?  The Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing....    Darfur? Any of this ring a bell?

My point (if you are too stupid to figure it out) is that man has been doing horrible acts of violence against their fellow man for thousands of years.....violence is in our DNA. 

We will not stop violence by taking away a person's ability to defend themselves.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fear and Loathing in Seattle

Well they have done it! The Socialists have finally gotten a openly avowed Socialist elected to an office here in the Northwest.
Kshama Sawant squeaked out a win against a long time incumbent (also a socialist, but in Democrat's clothes) to win a seat on the Seattle City Council.
We have had devout socialists on the council before, in fact her opponent was about as far left as you could go. What bothers me about this election is that people actually voted for a person waiving the Socialist banner. 
The Red Scare in the 1950's was not about stomping out the competition. It was about stopping a menace that convinces people (wrongly) that they can have everything if they just give up capitalism. I won't go into why Socialism/Communism is bad, if you are reading this, you already know why and if you don't there is probably no hope for you anyway.
What I would like to explore is the mindset of those that believe Socialism/Communism is workable.
I believe that leftists are cowards. I believe they are lazy. They have no ambition, they do not believe they can compete, nor do they care to find out.
They have no faith in their own ability to survive.

So they seek to level the playing field, to make the outcomes equal. They force hiring quotas, they demand free lunches for the poor. They seek to increase the minimum wage so that the uneducated, unambitious can live like they are someone they are not. They seek price fixing, and controls over production.
They increase the welfare roles; which accomplishes two things, it gives free stuff to those that don't produce and make the recipients dependent on the left for continuing the flow of the freebies (this is why the National Park Service asks that you not feed animals in the wild).
You may have noticed the absence of lefties in the rural areas. You may also have noticed the abundance of leftists (along with homelessness and crime) in the concrete jungles. Why do you suppose that is? The answer is simple, in the concrete jungle there are ample ways to make money without actually having to work hard.
I don't mean to marginalize lawyers, administrators and other office workers, but ask yourself this question: If you could choose between filing papers in an air conditioned office and digging a ditch in the cold rain, which would you choose?
Communism is much the same, they seek to convince people that they can have their cake and eat it too.

This I fear may mark a turning point in American politics, the point at which America began to die.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

This is my 1st new post in awhile, I was busy with school and then transitioned to my gunsmithing projects (see my other blog here:

Anyway, on this 4th of July I though I would like to share some personal thoughts on what the holiday means to me.

This morning I took my American made Annin flag from my coat closet and posted it in the holder on my front porch. For those that do not know, Annin is America's oldest and most famous manufacturer of Old Glory.

It was an Annin flag that draped the coffin of President Lincoln, it was an Annin flag that the Marines hoisted atop Mt Suribachi on Iwo Jima and it was an Annin flag that Neal Armstrong saluted on the moon.

That flag represents some of the feelings I have for my country. We have come a long way from those Puritans who came here to gain religious freedom. In the early 1600s we had little technology, not much more advanced than the Greeks, Romans or Egyptians had. Yet in just a short 350 years we put men on the moon, we made jets that travel faster than a bullet, we created the richest country the world has ever seen.

I believe the reasons for our success lie in three important creeds. The adherence to a free market economy in which those inclined or motivated to make their own destiny are not only free to chase those endeavors but also reap the rewards for their efforts. 

The second creed is the belief in justice, equality and respect for the rights of others. Reagan packaged this sentiment nicely when he described America's creed" ....old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order" 

That last part is important, we all know what Reagan meant by "consistent with law and order", it means that we live by a law that protects not only our rights, but those of others. We cannot hold rights for ourselves unless we preserve them for everyone.

The last creed is the belief that the government holds NO power except that which is given to them by the governed. The government derives its power by consent, not by force or threat of force.

The Declaration of Independence explained these creeds quite eloquently, many of us have forgotten those words (I remember having to memorize it in 5th grade). So I have posted the Declaration below, please read it and consider our current situation with the government that now rules the land.....

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Friday, December 28, 2012


Since the recent shootings the hoplophobes have been turning over every rock looking for a legitimate reason to remove guns from American society, one of the more recent justifications is: evolution. We know that most hoplophobes are progressives (leftist, commie) and we know that most of the progressives believe in evolution, but to claim that we have "evolved" to the point that we no longer need the means to defend our selves from other humans is ridiculous at best.
Let us first look at the statement as recently written by a hoplophobe: "haven't WE evolved to the point that we don't need guns?".
I am only guessing that by "WE" she means white anglos, That white, progressive anglos have evolved to the point in which they will no longer hate, discriminate or unjustly treat others. This is pure and simple racism.

I reject this notion, but let's break down who still needs guns.

During the reign of the communists in China, more than 60 million Chinese dissidents were killed by their own government.
During the years that followed the Bolshevik revolution, the communists in the Soviet Union killed more than 20 million people who didn't believe in Marx' idea of utopia.
Of course we cannot fail to mention the Nazi's, who gassed, shot and stabbed an estimated 6 million Jews, blacks, mentally disabled and disgruntled people during what is now called the "holocaust." 

The Ottoman Empire killed hundreds of thousands of Armenians, Greeks and Christians during the 1st World War.

How many Native Americans were killed during the various wars and skirmishes with the tribes?

Perhaps this person meant that we have evolved since the early & middle part of the 20th century? 
Well Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge killed 2 million Cambodians from 1974-1979 (Google the term "The Killing Fields"). 
Perhaps the genocide that occurred during the Chechnyan war, the Kurds that Saddam killed in Iraq, the war in the Congo, civil wars in Africa...all of these in the later part of the 20th century.

May I also remind everyone that prior to 1865, blacks were considered to be less than human and were owned as chattel in this very country.  So the answer to the question is: No, we have not "evolved" to the point in which we can trust our fellow humans to have our best interests at heart.

Guns in the hand of free people, insure that they remain free. Nothing else will provide this measure of insurance.