Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Redefining History and Words

The left is very cunning when it comes to definitions and words they use to describe people and things.

I think I was first clued into this a few years back when the Commies at the top decided to change the name of their scam known as "Global Warming" to "Climate Change".

The reason was obvious, the Earth had not warmed (if you can even call the marginal and questionable rise in temp, that was barely outside of the margin of error "warming") since 1998, so they had to do something to keep the scam afloat. 

The rename to "Climate Change" makes it harder to attack, or so they think. Climate Change is a meaningless term, the climate is in a constant state of change, in fact you cannot define climate without describing the changes that occur on a seasonal, yearly or decennial basis. 

Back around the year 2000 they(the leftists media) also changed the colors used to describe Republican majority or Democrat majority. Originally the Democrats were red, which made sense because the Communists and the left in general have always been associated with the color red. The change can be traced to NBC and Tim Russert during the 2000 Presidential election. It is my belief that the left wanted to embrace this change to hide their true "red" identity.

Then they began to refer to anyone on the right as a racist. The term racist means that you treat people differently based on the color of their skin, not the content of their character. 

The government program known as "Affirmative Action", introduced and passed by Democrats fits this definition, in fact everything the Democrats do regarding the "black community" is racist (including referring to them as a "black community", as if they all think alike and cannot possible differ from one another). Let us not forget, the Democratic Party IS the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the KKK.

The left has also bastardized the definition of Rape. Calling anything, including simple speech as rape. This is a slap in the face, no a punch in the face to victims of actual rape and it needs to stop!

They call people homophobes who oppose the redefining of marriage.
The word phobia is derived from Greek and is means "an unreasonable fear of". Most of the people being called homophobes do not FEAR homosexuals, Most don't even have a problem with their lifestyle. 
In my opinion most of the people on the right are Libertarian in nature and simply do not want government to either define marriage nor force a church to marry someone.

Then the left misuse phobia again when they call those on the right Islamaphobes....
We'll, number one there is a very good reason to fear Islam and you don't have to go far for evidence to support the fear.

So I may fear Islam, but my fear is NOT unreasonable, in fact it is quite reasonable to fear a people who have sworn to kill me in the name of their prophet (and have killed hundreds of thousands in the name of their prophet).

Now they are calling our President a Fascist. Again they attempt to change the definition of a word that has been long defined as something else.

The word Fascist comes from the Latin word "fasces" which means bundle of sticks. These were usually wrapped around an axe handle.
The symbolism for the Romans and later the Italian fascists in WWII was that a bundle of individual sticks is stronger than a single stick. 

This idea of coming together to be stronger is one of the tenants of Socialism and it is not a far-right ideology. In fact Hillary Clinton used the tag line "Stronger Together" in her bid for the White House in 2016.

Some of the other tenants of Fascism is control of commerce and industry, another building block of the left. Fascists stifle their opposition by limiting or controlling speech...let's see who has been limiting speech on college campuses lately? Who could that be?? 
They also have universally, without exception, removed the right to keep and bear arms from those they ruled over...who does that remind you of? 
Fascists also force businesses to do things that are against their beliefs, like baking a cake for a wedding of a same sex couple.....very fascist indeed....

Another piece of evidence comes from the most famous of fascist political parties, the NAZI party. NAZI or NASDEP in German stood for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which translates as National Socialist Worker's Party. The name Socialist is right there in their name and still the left denies the connection. 
Also anytime you see the name "Workers" in a political party, you can bet your bottom dollar they sit to the left of the political spectrum. In fact if you look at the logos for the American Socialist Party it uses the tag line "Workers of the World Unite"...Tell me again who the Fascists are?

If you look at base ideals of the right and left, you will see that the right wants less restrictions on individual freedoms, less restrictions on business, less government control, lower taxes. As Reagan put it: ".... the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order".

Now if you take those tenants of maximum personal, religious and financial freedoms to the extreme you get Anarchy, basically no government. 
You do not get Fascism, which is totalitarianism, the EXACT opposite of Anarchy. 

Fascism, despite what the left will tell you is a leftist ideology, it belongs on the left side of the scale with Socialism, Communism and Marxism. They all believe in a strong central government and limited or no rights for the individual.

A more realistic spectrum of the political parties is shown below