I have long believed that victim hood is something ingrained in a person's itellect.
Either you are a willing victim or you are not. This is a lesson that children NEED to learn to avoid being bullied. This lesson is now being taught to others by our current President, who has more testicular fortitude than the entire Democratic Party.
In America we celebrate heroism and bravery....after all we call ourselves the home of the brave. We historically have believed that being a victim is not a good thing, it is not a moral thing.
What brings up this post is the video mini-series on Netflix that I watched the other day regarding the November 15th Paris attacks.
The interviews with the survivors made one thing clear....the French have been bred to be victims. This is no joke, the survivors talked about their efforts to survive and every one of them, to the person, believed that they had only two options during the attacks....flee or accept death.
The concept of fighting back is so foreign to them that they would not even consider it. In the Bataclan theater there were some 1500 people and yet three goons with AK-47s were able to control them and kill them with little effort. Just 1% of the attendees could have rushed the shooters and ended the attack...imagine if the number were 10% (150 people)...
Some people might call me an arm chair quarterback, but the proof of the victim mindset is self evident. Not one of the people fought back, not one of the survivors considered or even mentioned fighting back.
This is unacceptable people, I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.....never be a victim!